The “Discovery Call” is an opportunity for us to get to know each other and determine what sort of a Roofer Elite™ Marketing System makes the most sense for you at the moment. We want to make sure the system we custom-engineer for you fits your needs and capabilities.
We will go over your application and get to know your company and operations more so we can better assess if a custom-tuned Lead Generation Elite is suitable for your business at this time. Some of the things we will take into consideration include your company’s track record, the size of your operations, service area, and your goals. We will also answer any questions you may have about Roofer Elite™.
It will be you and/or the decision maker for the roofing company interested in a Roofer Elite™ Marketing System and one of our qualified Growth Hackers.
No. This call is completely free.
While it’s true that we often provide valuable tips and insights on how you as a roofer may continue to get more leads and grow your business, we do NOT charge for the Discovery Call.
We want to get to know your company better, so think about the following prior to the call:
Take a look at your last year or two in business, what is your average job size?
We want to make sure you can get ROI.
How good is your close rate? Out of 10 quality leads, how many appointments did you make, and how many sales?
We enjoy custom-tuning Lead Generation elites for roofers who can close those high quality leads.
How many new leads/customers can you truly service per week?
We want to ensure you are able to capitalize on our lead generation efforts.
How serious are you about your roofing business?
We want to work with business owners who intend on building their businesses for the long run
And of course, come prepared with any questions you have – talk then!
Roofer Elite Helped This Roofer Exceed Her Goal By Over $500,000+ Last Year
Roofer Elite Helped This Roofer Exceed Her
Goal By Over $500,000+ Last Year