The One Marketing Tactic Every Successful Roofing Contractor and Household Names Like Home Depot, Ford, & Amazon Use…

This clever marketing tactic will get you more
exposure, better branding, and make your brand look
well-established, polished, and professional.

Odds are, this almighty (but surprisingly-affordable) marketing
tactic has already worked on you and you don’t even know it.

Stop for a minute and see if you can recall this happening to you…

You go shopping for something online… say a pair of new roofing boots, and then afterwards, you see ads for those boots everywhere. You find that ad on just about every website you visit…

Or maybe you were browsing around the Ford website checking out the newest Ford F-series, or maybe checking out the specs on some roofing equipment on Home Depot’s website, looking at the latest iPhone, or just shopping around on And then it seems like their ads are magically everywhere online… stalking you around the internet.

“An ad that follows me on that site? These websites get literally tens of millions of visitors a day.”

Think about how that made you feel… those ads constantly flooded your awareness with their “brands” (whether that’d be Ford, Home Depot, or Amazon, etc.) and reminded you to go back and complete your purchase (which you can easily do by clicking on those stalking ads).

And you’ll find their ads even on some of the most iconic and recognized websites on the internet such as,,,, etc. These are websites that get literally tens of millions of visitors a day!

Maybe that’s one of the reasons you are reading this –
because you’ve seen our Roofer Elite™ ads stalk you!

An example of our online-stalking ad

Now, you might think nothing of it and don’t think this pertains to you. After all, these companies, Ford, Home Depot, Apple, Amazon, etc surely have a war chest of marketing budget that allows them to buy advertising on these gigantic sites. You are probably thinking that only gigantic global companies making billions have the means to do this…

And you are just a local roofer! You don’t have a war chest of marketing dollars like they do and you can get your brand seen and associated with these iconic brands!

“You absolutely can advertise like the big
guys, and it does NOT take a war chest of
funds to do so.

Think about how well-established, polished, and professional you would look if you can somehow miraculously get your ads shown on these iconic websites. Imagine the unforgettable effect you would have on prospects in your service area if your ads can stalk them like the ads you’ve seen stalk you.

That’s where we come in.

We have successfully implemented this tactic for many roofing contractors and have perfected our methods to get the best bang for the buck. We found this to be the most cost-effective type of advertising to get you massive branding, leave a lasting impression, and build credibility and our members agree.

Examples of major websites we can help you generate leads from


This marketing tactic allows you to mimic the very gigantic brands (Ford, Home Depot, Amazon, etc) and stalk homeowners in your region who have visited your website. Your ads will be shown again and again all over the internet including on some of the most powerful websites online.

And the amazing thing is, “Online Stalking™” does not cost a fortune… as a matter of fact, you can get started on a daily ad budget the equivalent of a beer a day.

“Get started showing your ads on the
most powerful websites online for as
little as the equivalent of a beer a day.


Listen, how much is building your reputation, increasing your credibility, and leaving a lasting impression on your prospects worth to you? How serious are you about building a multi-million dollar roofing company?

While big household brands are spending tens and hundreds of thousands of dollars a month to stalk their leads online… we here at Roofer Elite have figured out how to help you accomplish the same exact thing at a mere fraction of that. You don’t need $100,000, you don’t need $10,000, and you don’t need $1,000.

You can have Online Stalking™ for only $95 a month.
That’s literally only ~$3 a day.

But that’s not all…


As you probably noticed with all the stalking ads, they are all professionally designed and come in various sizes. We typically charge $200 per set of 20 but when you get “Online Stalking™” today, we will craft the first custom ad set for your company free of charge.

Yep, you pay nilch, zero, nothing nada for this first professionally custom-designed ad set. Below is a small sample just to give you an idea. Yours will of course look different and be completely custom-tailored to your brand, logo, image, and message.

A sample of different ads that will fit on any website, in any place needed.

($100 / MO VALUE)

If you use Gmail like most homeowners these days, you probably have seen advertisement DISGUISED as another email in your inbox. It sits on top of your inbox looking like a typical email and compels you to read it. It’s another innovative marketing tactic that big-brands are using these days.

And guess what? Just like how we cracked the code to Online Stalking™, we also cracked the code for what we like to call, Inbox Invasion™.

Steal Leads from Competitors with Inbox Invasion Ads.

This marketing tactic gets your brand and ad seen inside homeowners’ Gmail inboxes within your service region.

Imagine someone searching around for a roofing contractor and happens to visits your competitions’ websites. Now imagine out of the blue, YOUR Inbox Invasion™ ad unit shows up right inside that homeowner’s email inbox. That homeowner gets curious, thinks of you as a big deal (after all, your ad just magically appeared in his inbox), and clicks on it and begins to talk to YOU.

You in essence just stole a prospect from your competitor.

And when you get started with our Online Stalking™ tactic right now, we will configure and maintain this devious tactic, Inbox Invasion™ (valued at $100 a month) for you as well for free.

You’ll be stealing leads from your competitors in no time with this devious marketing tactic.


We are confident in our work and stand behind our services. We
never want any of our Roofer Elite™ community members to
feel trapped… If at any point you don’t feel like our
custom-designed marketing plan and methods are providing you
value, you should be able to cancel at any time without any hard
feelings or trying to get out of a contract.

Get Online Stalking™

Only $95 /mo + $200 Setup Fee

Imagine having homeowners in your service area see your custom-branded everywhere… Imagine stalking your leads just the big brands like Home Depot, Ford, and DeWalk stalk you. If you truly understand and can appreciate the power of that then Online Stalking™ package is for you.

When you invest in Online Stalking™ today, we will:

  • Get to know your company so we can custom-tailor our efforts to your needs
  • Set up and configuring your ad delivery platform
  • Design an entire ad set personalized to your brand
  • Createall the various ad units including text, image, and combination of both specific to your needs
  • Work with your team on configuring your website to sync up perfectly with our Online Stalking™ protocol
  • And ultimately ensuring your ads are stalking your homeowner audience all over the internet everywhere they go
  • … and so much more.

And you can just sit back and watch it work its magic as your branding start drowning out your competition and homeowners can’t help themselves but call YOU when they need a roofer.


Sign up today for the most effective marketing tatic around.

$95.00 + $200 setup*


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P.S. Don’t forget that by ordering today, you also get our two valuable
bonuses valued at over $300.00.

P.P.S. There is NO contract which means you can cancel at any time – this,
combined with our free bonuses AND the $0 setup fee, you really have
nothing to lose and everything to gain.

* $95 a month fee does not include advertising fee which varies depending on your region and goal. Other Roofer Elite™ members allocate <$3 a day. You may cancel at any time.

Note: This is for one package which covers one location defined as up to 70 miles radius of a zip code.



Roofer Elite Helped This Roofer Exceed Her
Goal By Over $500,000+ Last Year


Roofer Elite Helped This Roofer Exceed Her Goal By Over $500,000+ Last Year